ELIGERE is delighted to return on the occasion of the 2024 edition of Kiaf SEOUL (@kiaf_official) with an impeccably curated presentation focused on a selection of works by Carlos Blanco Artero (@carlosblancoartero), Tania Marmolejo (@tanitam), and Adriana Oliver (@adriianaoliver). As part of this upcoming edition, each of these three featured artists will anchor our booth P04, located on the 2nd FL – The Platz, COEX Seoul, Korea, from September 4 – 8, 2024.
These artists expand the boundaries of their individualized mediums through idiosyncratic practices that empathetically explore themes challenging conventional expression. Drawing inspiration from abstract forms rooted in Neo-Figuration and Neo-Plasticism, vivid Surrealism, figurative and abstract German Expressionism, German and Flemish art of the Renaissance and Baroque eras, 1950s and ’60s film stills, and the deconstruction of minimalist faceless figures into basic forms, their works range from ambiguous large-scale portraiture to creations that convey emotions and experiences transcending the limits of language.